Kenes Christian Tours Blog


Jerusalem Watch Tour at the City of David

The Jerusalem Watch Tour is an exciting and rich educational experience for those who would like to learn more about their tradition’s Hebrew roots.   Explore the deep connection between the Jewish festivals, the Prophets, the Tanach, and ancient Biblical Jerusalem. …

David and Goliath blockbuster opens in Jerusalem

Jerusalem’s Bible Lands Museum opened a fascinating exhibit earlier this month called “In the Valley of David and Goliath.” Displaying archaeological discoveries found at Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Ella Valley, (known as Sha’arayim in the Old Testament) including a cultic shrine echoing the…
Magdala Overview 1st Century Synagogue and adjacent Beit Midrash_300x225

Israel’s Newest Antiquities Discovered at Magdala

So often, we stumble upon our greatest treasures by accident. This was the case in 2009 when the surprise unearthing of Magdala, the birthplace of Mary Magdalene, stunned the archaeological world. Nathan Hitron, VP Sales and Marketing for Kenes Christian Tours,…

Interfaith mission builds unity

A group of enthusiastic North Carolina travelers recently returned from an interfaith study mission to Israel. The trip was designed by Kenes Tours for the Greensboro Community Foundation – to build bridges of respect and understanding among people of diverse backgrounds.